Thursday, March 27, 2008

Ayurvedic Concept and Jaundice

Ayurveda describes kaamala or Jaundice as one of the major diseases of yakrit (liver). The obstructive and infective jaundice are described in ayurvedic classical texts.


When a person indulges on diet which increases pitta( one among the three somatic humors), like excessive alcohol intake, heavy, oily, and spicy food, pitta becomes aggravated and results in disease of blood, muscle tissue, biliary system and liver. These then manifest as kaamala or jaundice. It is also mentioned in the texts that if a person is anaemic he is more prone to kaamala.


Yellowish discolouration of the eyes, nails, skin, and oral cavity, yellowish/reddish discolouration of faeces and urine, generalized weakness, burning sensation,loss of appetite and taste, vague body pains and weakness in all sensory organs and emaciation.

There are different types of Kaamala described in Ayurveda

Shakasritha: There is only mild aggravation of pitta and vata in this type of Kaamala ( acute jaundice) and this can be cured relatively easily.

Kumbha Kaamala: If not treated Kaamala ( acute jaundice) in due course turns into Kumbha Kaamala and becomes difficult to treat.

Panaki: This is considered to be late/advanced stage of Kaamala.

Haleemaka: This is an advanced stage of pandu roga (anemia). This occurs when both vata and pitta are vitiated. The disease is manifested with greenish-yellow discolouration, weakness, lethargy, loss of appetite, fever, body ache, burning sensation, loss of taste and dizziness.

Tastelessness, thirst, vomiting, fever, headache, loss of appetite, lethargy, pain in chest are also often referred to as associated ailments of Kaamala.